Sunday, 30 March 2014

Science Week

As part of 'Science Week' in school we have been looking at different materials, their uses and properties. our investigation was to find which material kept hot water warmest for longer. We used plastic cups covered in foil, cotton wool, bubble wrap and one left uncovered. We predicted which one would work best. We then used thermometers to measure the temperature every 5 minutes for 40 minutes. We found out that foil was the best at keeping the water warm and the cup without the cover was the coldest. The children recorded the findings on investigation sheets.

Science Week

On Monday 17th March we visited Pontypridd Museum as part of 'Science week'. We took part in a School Roadshow delivered by XL Wales. The workshop was called 'Move that Load' and is designed to cover topics in Science and design and Technology.
The children were challenged to design and make a wheeled vehicle which could move a heavy load using the construction kit K'NEX. The children worked in pairs and the session provided an opportunity for problem solving, decision making and co-operative learning.
When the variety of machines were made, they were then attached to motors and pulled to see if they worked successfully. The children had a very enjoyable time and there has been an increased interest in using K'NEX in class.