Thursday 31 October 2013

Mmmmm Crumble

We have been looking at Snow White and the Seven Dwarves as our topic for the week.  We have looked at lots of apples to find out which one we preferred.  We tried Gala, Golden Delicious, Cripps and Granny Smiths apples, thankfully none of them made us fall asleep.  We made a tally chart and found that the most popular apples in the class were the Gala apples followed closely by the Granny Smiths.  We then looked at an apple we could not eat without cooking.  It was a Bramley apple, Mrs Davies cooked the Bramley apples and we made a crumble topping.  We used flour, butter and sugar and rubbed it all together and put our crumble topping on to the cooked apples.  It was then cooked in the oven and we tasted it.  Some of us didn't like it but lots of us did and we had seconds. It was a lot of fun to make and eat.

Friday 4 October 2013

Our trip to the castles


We visited Castell Coch and Caerphilly Castle as part of our topic for the term. We chose these two castles as it was good for the children to see the differences between a fairy castle and an authentic one. We were surprised to learn that the leaning tower in Caerphilly Castle leans more than the Leaning Tower of Pisa! We were keen to learn about different facts of the castles and enjoyed looking at the siege engines and how they worked.  We didn't like the dungeons because they were cold, wet and dark! Take a look at our photos below.

Assistant photographer Ffion Evans's photos